A Pew Research report last year showed: “A majority of Americans would be less likely to vote for a presidential candidate who does not believe in God. Not surprisingly, this is highest among Republicans – 70% of whom would be less likely to vote for an atheist, compared to 42% of Democrats” (Christian today). These statistics show that faith really matters when voting for the next president. All the candidates in this year's presidential election identify with the Protestant or Catholic faith. These different faiths influence presidential candidates' opinions on abortion, taxes, gay marriage, etc. As the Christian Church and presidential elections relate, it is important to remember your own standards and views when considering who to vote for. The current presidential election will test the strength the Christian Church still has in America. “American faith and cultural leaders agree that what makes 2016 perhaps the most important election in American history is not the severity of its socioeconomic problems, but rather the depth of spiritual decay into which the people have fallen American (Christian