In The Sun Also Rises by Earnest Hemingway, the setting plays one of the most important roles in telling the story. The setting of a story is one of the most crucial things when reading and allows you to imagine the environment in which the characters are placed. It creates a tone and attitude about the story that changes how the reader feels as they continue reading. Setting is normally used only to describe where and when a story takes place, but it can be used in many other ways as well. It can be used to create suspense, foreshadow future events, and develop characters. Earnest Hemingway foreshadows the plot and symbolizes the characters in The Sun Also Rises by making the setting parallel the attitude of the events that are happening or about to happen. Hemingway begins the story in 1924 in Paris, where many American writers went in search of the world. War I. Jake along with his friends are those American writers who moved to France and write their stories which they then send back to be published. Throughout the world Paris is considered a romantic and lively place, full of interesting people but most characters would disagree. Jake takes one of his French friends with him to a club where an American asks her what she thinks of Paris and she replies: “I don't like Paris. It's expensive and dirty." (Hemingway 26) Although this description is about the town, it is often shown in the residents as well. “One of them saw Georgette and said, 'I declare. There is a real prostitute. I will dance with her, Lit. You look at me.'” (Hemingway 28) The setting is described and along with it so are some of the characters. Eventually Jake and his friend Bill run away from everyone else and go to an island that is. .. .middle of in the story drinks a large amount of alcohol but Brett and Jake stop each other from getting drunk so they can deal with their problems together and that's why they are good together.L he setting of a story is only meant to be a way to inform you about time and place, yet Hemingway is able to do so much more with it. He is able to transform a literary element into a work of art while you it gently transports you into the next part of the story. It uses the setting and, more importantly, time to show you what will happen next and how it will happen even if you don't want it to. The setting isn't too descriptive that it makes you an unimaginative copycat, but it has enough detail to get you started on the right path of thinking. Earnest Hemingway was able to tell the story of How the Sun Rises before he even finished reading the book.