Since Greece is also made up of many islands, there isn't much space to grow crops. Although it was difficult for them to grow crops, they were able to grow herbs and vegetables well, especially olives, and they also regularly used bees for their honey. One thing Greece is rich in are marble quarries. they used it in their architecture which is still considered beautiful. thanks to the resistance of the stone they were able to build much larger and more spacious buildings than in other countries. Their mathematicians designed the buildings so they could use materials more efficiently and aligned the buildings so the perspective matched their surroundings. The main craft of Greece, where ceramics and metalworking were almost completely produced by slaves. this was also an important part of the trading economy because Greece's location made it easy to access metal ore and clay. Greece's other two important exports were olive oil and wine. Part of the trading system was their currency, which was different for each city-state. Currencies were initially made of gold and silver, then bronze coins were introduced. The currency system made profits every time someone wanted to make a currency exchange when entering a new one