Ethical issues seen in both coaching and my area of psychotherapy (therapist in training) discussed by Passmore include autonomy, truth, confidentiality, avoiding harm and respecting rights of others (2009). Autonomy refers to encouraging coachees' self-determination; facilitate the choice of their needs and allow them to realize them even if we as coaches think it is a mistake while confidentiality refers to the information provided to the coach which will be kept confidential unless one of the following risks of personal harm, risk of injury to another person and serious illegality (2009). Finally there is the principle of avoiding harm, for example if I work outside the area of expertise/specialty (2009). Passmore concluded that novice trainers and trainers should draw knowledge from experts. On the International Coach Federation website they provide a code of ethics that their members must obey and include the following sections: professional conduct in general, conflicts of interest, professional conduct with clients, and confidentiality/privacy. Profession...