When disasters occur, it is necessary to carefully recognize the appropriate response and implement relief efforts thoroughly. Without recognition, such disasters continue to exist – there can be no “blissful ignorance” – and without relief, such disasters do not repair themselves. Global warming, a worldwide disaster, poses a dangerous threat. Large portions of coastal cities will have to relocate, severe droughts and heat waves will occur, and severe weather systems will develop. These effects will occur globally and will affect everyone. Global warming is occurring, as the evidence has shown, with modern civilization as the cause: and although its danger exists and its complete reversal is unlikely, humanity could inhibit it – as humanity's responsibility. Since global warming poses a threat, the definition of global warming and its associated consequences and facts serve as very useful information. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines global warming as “the recent increase in world temperature believed to be caused by increases in certain gases (such as carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere.” Global average temperatures have risen to unusually high levels (Nuccitelli). Over the last fifty years the average temperature of the Earth's surface has increased faster than ever recorded (Nuccitelli). A graph illustrating recorded temperatures shows an increase to nearly twice the highest average temperature since 800 AD; the temperatures reported in this graph are estimated based on the extent of solar influence, known up to those dates (Nuccitelli). The last decade also indicates anomalous temperatures: “Eleven of the last twelve years (1995-2006) rank among the twelve warmest years in the instrumental record of global surface temperature” (“Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report”). In short...... middle of the paper......9 January 2014. Web. 31 March 2014."Climate change: how do we know it?" NASA. NASA and Web. March 31, 2014. "Global Climate Change Indicators." National Climate Data Center. NCDC and Web. March 31, 2014. “Global Warming Science.” Union of Concerned Scientists. UCS and Web. March 29, 2014. “Solutions to Global Warming: Reducing Emissions.” Union of Concerned Scientists. UCS and Web. March 31, 2014."Can you make a difference?" Environmental Defense Fund. EDF and Web. March 30, 2014."What you can do against global warming." Union of Concerned Scientists. UCS and Web. March 31, 2014. "EDF Voices: People on the Planet." Environmental Defense Fund. EDF and Web. 07 April 2014."Global retreat of glaciers" RealClimate RSS. RealClimate and Web. April 14, 2014. "Paleoclimatology: The Ice Core Record" Paleoclimatology: The Ice Core Record. Earth Observatory, nd Web. 14 April. 2014.