Topic > Management of the Grand Regency Hotel - 1626

The Grand Regency HotelIntroductionThe Grand Regency Hotel is located in Bangkok, Thailand and has been in operation for fifteen years. For the entire period it was under the management of the Thai general manager and was started by a consortium of locally based investors. It is a prestigious hotel in Bangkok and has a total of 700 employees who are treated prestigiously by the management. The management has given the following benefits to the employees: provision of excellent welfare; the salary was higher than the market one; high job security and also year-end bonus comparable to the salary earned in a four-week period (Manson 2009, p. 28). After the hotel was sold to the American hotel chain, the Thai manager retired, making way for John Becker. The American hotel chain purchased the hotel because it wanted to expand its operations. The new director retained all the employees although some of them were transferred to other sections. The selection of Becker as the new director was due to his success in integrating recently acquired hotels in America. In his previous operations he took over hotels that had low profits and low morale and later made them very profitable. Becker's strategies. After taking office as a manager and drawing on his experience in the hotel industry, Becker applied the same strategies that had made him successful in his previous management roles. Strategies included: employee empowerment; reduction of rules that led to bureaucratic behavior; improve employee innovation and greater interaction between management and employees. All these were new strategies that had never been used before in hotels, so employees needed time... middle of paper... oyee behaviors: exploring the role of psychological empowerment and power values.' Human Relations, 63(11), 1743. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. November 2010. vol. 63, Iss. 11; P. 1743Manson, E, 'It smells like team spirit.' Restaurateur and Hotelier, 199(4577), 28-30. Extracted from ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry. May 15-May 21, 2009. vol. 199, Iss. 4577; page 28, 3 pagesBarker, J. “Power to the People.” Incentive, 182(2), 34-37. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. February 2008. vol. 182, Iss. 2; page 34, 4 pages Jean, C, “Case Study: How Four Seasons Creates a 'Success Cycle'.” Duration of work,24-27. Extract from ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry: January 2007. pag. 25, 3 pages Sandra, W and Gillian, AM, “HRD from a functionalist perspective: the line managers' perspective”. Advances in Human Resource Development, 9(1), 31-41. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global.: February 2007. Vol. 9, Iss. 1;