This essay will discuss a range of strategies for supporting children and their families from cultural and linguistic backgrounds using different perspectives and concepts. As suggested by Kaiser & Rasminsky (2003 ) “culture is like a second skin and only becomes visible when we encounter a different one” (p.53). Culture is an important part of our lives, it can include the food we eat, beliefs, values and the way we look at our world. As a teacher it is important to understand our culture, before trying to understand the culture of children and families. The values and beliefs that teachers have developed from their past experiences have an influence on how and what they teach children, so teachers should try not to let their personal opinions interfere with their teaching. Language is how we communicate with each other. around us, only through language are we able to convey verbal messages. As teachers we must have this openness, so that we can value differences and ensure that families and children belong to the centers. New Zealand has now become a multicultural country. We have families from different places in the world, who have come here with their cultural experiences, languages, values and beliefs. The most important strategy to support families and children from different backgrounds is to work alongside families and their children because through this teachers will be able to respect and better understand different cultural contexts. Our center is multicultural, as a teacher I want to be there with the children and support their language. Having good communication and collaborative relationships with families is… a paper medium… around us, because if we are not able to understand different cultures, then we will not be able to support children. in their daily learning. We should allow children to communicate in their native language every day, so that it remains a treasure in their lives. Reference List Kaiser, B., & Rasminsky, J. S. (2003). Open the door of culture. Young children, 58(4), 53-56.Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mō nga mokopuna o Aotearoa/ Early Childhood Curriculum. Wellington New Zealand: Learning MediaNew Zealand Tertiary College. (2011). Cultural Diversity Study Guide. Auckland, New Zealand Tertiary College Tabors , P. O . (1998). What early childhood educators need now. Develop effective programs for linguistically and culturally diverse children and families. Small children 53 (6 ) , 20 -26 .