I hate divorce” says the Lord God of Israel (King James Bible, 1996) Divorce is the legal severing of marital ties and is on the rise in North America . In 2011, divorce among blacks and African Americans reached an all-time high. Divorce has many implications for a society. If current trends continued, research has hypothesized that if African American children were not born out of wedlock, the African American population would fail to reproduce and would rapidly die. Married blacks live longer, are wealthier, happier, and choose healthy behaviors than divorced blacks. Many blacks living in the South or the “Bible Belt” of America profess faith in Christ or other spiritual connections, attend church frequently, and would be more likely to participate in Christian divorce support groups that recommend forgiveness. Forgiveness has received a lot of attention in recent years and is associated with improved physical and mental health. Hurst (2011, para. 4) suggests that “forgiveness not only can heal people, relationships and families, but it can also unite nations.” Many major religions, including Christianity, have understood and recommended the spiritual healing power of forgiveness for years. Forgiveness in divorce is critical to personal and social recovery, but it can be a long, slow, and painful process. Research on divorce continues to grow and paints a contrary picture in a community that prides itself on its spiritual roots and support for families. This article will examine the role of faith and forgiveness on the health of Southern blacks and document the role of Christian divorce support groups. Keywords: divorce, blacks, faith, spirituality, divorce support groups and illnesses.Ba..... . half of the paper......004). Healthy Marriages in Low-Income African American Communities – Part Two: Expand Dialogue with Religious Leaders by Creating Connection Sites. Retrieved from http://www.religionandsocialpolicy.org/docs/research/AfroAmer_Healthy_Marriages_2_RMFranklin.pdfGallagher, M. (1996). The Abolition of Marriage: How We Destroy Lasting Love. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc. (March 13, 1996Hurst, K. (2011). RX: Forgiveness. Family Medicine. 43 (3). 203-204The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (2007). Marriage and African Americans Retrieved from http://www.jointcenter.org/DB/factsheet/marital.htmThe King James Bible (1996 Malachi 2:16: The National Bible Company.Lu, C. (2006, December 13)./2006/12/13/16986/