People think that teenagers are the only horrible drivers. What they don't think about is that there is an age group of drivers who are much worse than teenagers. Statistics show that people over the age of seventy cause more accidents and are involved in more accidents than teenage drivers. In 2008, more than 5,500 older adults died in car crashes and more than 183,000 were injured in car crashes (older adult drivers). There are many reasons why older drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents than teenagers. Physical and mental changes are just some of the causes of car accidents among older adults. These include slowing down quite quickly, loss of clear vision and hearing, loss of muscle strength and flexibility, and drowsiness which causes a reduction in the ability to focus on one's surroundings while driving (West-Port News). The deadliest accidents involving For seniors over the age of seventy, forty percent of these accidents occur at intersections. This percentage is compared to ages between thirty-five and fifty-four, a percentage that drops to twenty-three. These collapses are mostly due to underperformance or taking the time to look in the opposite direction they were going. The percentage and age of elderly people involved in these accidents are eighty years and older, with a rate of fifty-eight%. Eighteen U.S. states require older drivers to renew their licenses and undergo vision and hearing tests more than teenagers. The Senate created two acts that have to do with elder guidance. SI929-The Act to Promote Safe Driving and SI901-The Act to Relate Certified Operators of Motor Vehicles (Elderly Driving Statistics). Many states require seniors to demonstrate that they are still able to drive before they will be issued a license. In all states, ...... half of the document ...... September 5, 2011. Web. May 8, 2014.Martin, Claire. “The deadliest driving errors”. MNS Auto. Network. May 13, 2014. "Older Adult Drivers: Get the Facts." Accident prevention and control: motor vehicle safety. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. January 31, 2013. Web. May 8, 2014. "Older Drivers." Transport Accident Commission. Network. May 13, 2014.Peters, R. “Aging and the Brain.” Postcard medical diary. February 2006. Web. 12 May 2014 “To drive or not to drive”. National Institute on Aging. July 6, 2004. Web.May 8, 2014. “Should Older People Drive?” Network. 2013 May 9, 2014 Facts and research on “senior leadership”. Network. 2011 May 9, 2014“Should older drivers be retested?” Web. Hearst MediaServices. May 9, 2014Span, Paula."The new old age." The New York Times. May 27, 2011. Web. May 122014