Topic > Environmental Impact Analysis of the Cement Plant of...

. Results on determining the significance of the impact4.1. Identification and weighting criteria Impact is characterized by its nature, magnitude, spatial extent, timing, duration, reversibility, probability, frequency and mitigation potential (Sadler and McCabe 2002). These criteria generally characterize all types of impact. Since the study focused on the local scale, six criteria (Kumar & Armani, 2012) were adopted to compare and judge the impacts identified during impact identification (Table 2). Table 1. Detailed description of the criteria and their value Detection of the impact of the magnitude of the event Controls Legislation adopted The size or extent of the impact The frequency of the impact The degree of the effect of the impact The detection time of the impacts or effect The control measures at the source of the effect taken in the factory The state of compliance with the standards of the country5 - severe 6-continuous 6- life-threatening 5- more than 24 hours 5- no or no effective control 10- no compliance with legislation or control limits3- moderate 5- several times a day 5- health effects 4- within 24 hours 4- mechanism but not reliable 1- compliant1- low 4- once a day 4- affects flora and fauna 3- within 8 hours 3- control requires human intervention 3- once a week 3- consumption of resources 2- within 1 hour 2- has integrated secondary control 2- once a month 2- discomfort 1- immediate 1- available and effective at the source 1- very rare 1- negligible visual impact The table shows the criteria adopted with the relative value based on a Likert scale to determine the degree of significance of the impacts. These criteria are easily understood by local stakeholders to analyze the considerable impacts of the factory and to judge them. Each criterion is... half the paper... of 24 methodologies. Journal of Environmental Management, 30(3), 235-250.VAN OSS, H. & PADOVANI, A.C. (2002). Cement production and the environment. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6, 89-106.Wathern, P. (2013). Environmental impact assessment: theory and practice. Routledge.WORRELL, E., PRICE, L., MARTIN, N., HENDRIKS, C., & MEIDA, LO (2001). Carbon dioxide emissions from the global cement industry 1. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 26(1), 303-329.ZELEKE, ZK, MOEN, BE, & BRÅTVEIT, M. (2010). Cement dust exposure and acute lung function: a cross-shift study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 10(1), 19.ZIMWARA, D., MUGWAGWA, L., & DURI, L.Z. (2012). Environmental protection through air pollution control techniques for the cement manufacturing industry: a case study for Zimbabwe. US-China Journal of Public Administration, 9(7), 737-748.