Abortion alone has always been an important issue. Whether it's the woman who has to decide to have an abortion, or the anti-abortion groups who are against abortion, trying to make it illegal throughout the United States. Deciding to legalize abortion in the United States appears to be an even bigger issue. For years it has not been possible to reach a conclusion, legalizing or illegalizing it definitively. Abortion meaning the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or immediately followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. The legalization of abortion has always been a big controversy. Deciding whether or not it is up to the mother to decide whether to terminate the pregnancy. For the future of society, it is important to focus on the question: who decides whether abortion should be legal in the United States? Every woman should have the right to decide whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. Regardless of the circumstances, it should be his right to choose what he wants to do with his body. Deciding to complete the procedure is very difficult. The only way to decide whether abortion should be legal or not is to vote. But even if people vote both against and for abortion, does that make it right? Who decides if it's right? Women or politicians? “I will vote no,” says Ralph Wermers, an Air Force retiree. “It is a woman's right to make a decision. It is not politicians who can make this decision for a woman." Women's rights have come a long way. From not being able to make your voice heard to being able to vote. If we have the right to serve in the military and fight for our country, then we should be able to decide what is and what is not right in the middle of the paper and the issue at hand. Work cited PageBaker, Aspen. “Pro-Voice: A Vision for the Future.” Off Our Backs Vol. 36, no. 4. October 1, 2006: 33+. SIRS researcher. Network. April 14, 2011. Blustain, Sarah. "In the name of the mother." Mother Jones 36.1 (2011): 42. MasterFIL Premier. EBSCO. Network. April 12, 2011.Coghlan, Andy. "Pro-Choice? Pro-Life? No Choice?" New Scientist (London, England) vol. 196 No. 2626. October 20, 2007: 8-9. SIRS researcher. Network. April 14, 2011.Jost, Kenneth. “Abortion Debates.” CQ Researcher 10 September 2010: 725-48. Network. April 14, 2011.Jost, Kenneth and Kathy Koch. “Showdown on Abortion.” CQ Researcher 22 September 2006: 769-92. Network. April 12, 2011.ProQuest Staff. "At issue: abortion, moral and ethical aspects". ProQuest LLC. 2011: page n. SIRS researcher. Network. April 14 2011.