Topic > The seasonality of a destination attracts more tourists

According to one of the pioneering authors in the sphere of tourist seasonality, BarOn (1975), seasonality is considered one of the main problems of sustainable and efficient tourism. Seasonality in tourism refers to the variation in demand or business activity, as well as the fluctuation in the number of tourists and visitors to a destination. Butler (1994), building on the work of BarOn, broadens the definition by adding that in addition to the previously mentioned seasonality it can also be expressed in terms of fluctuations in factors such as visitor spending, traffic on highways and other forms of transport, the employment and admissions to places of interest. attractions.The seasonality of tourist demand can be expressed by the number of visitors who arrive at a destination in certain periods of the year, but very often by more specific variables such as overnight stays, the type of accommodation used, the average length of stay, the reasons for the trip or the average expenditure of tourists is taken into account. Due to the lack of data generated monthly, hotel capacity utilization is generally used for the purpose of analyzing seasonal fluctuations (Cisneros-Martínez, 2013). Working within the constraints of seasonality is a destination management problem that tourism planners struggle with. with the whole world. The problem is particularly pronounced in regions far north or south where climate variation directly influences visitor flows and therefore tourism management strategies (Baum & Hagen, 1999). At the same time the literature suggests several other reasons for the development of seasonality.2.2. Causes of seasonalityTo address seasonality, it is important to understand where and why it occurs. Various authors such as BarOn (1975), Butler... half the newspaper... directly change the flow of people. At the same time the authors clearly state that it is necessary to reduce the fragmentation of the involved stakeholders who have a direct impact on the coordination and development of cultural heritage. Only in this way can the capabilities and opportunities of the sites be used effectively. In summary, the approaches to combat seasonality are multiple and range from price differentiation, to diversification of offers, to consumer segmentation and specialization in niche sectors. , as well as seeking public sector support through infrastructure development, national marketing activities or even changing the timing of national holidays. Further research will try to identify which strategies for seasonality reduction are used in Latvia and what are the potential tools to improve and further develop the approaches.