Nuclear Energy In a world with an ever-growing population it is necessary to find a way to provide electricity to the world. There are many different ways to produce electricity, but some options are better suited to the Central Valley than others. The debate over nuclear energy has been growing for years, and it's time to create a more reliable source of energy for the Central Valley. Nuclear energy should be considered a reliable source of energy for the growing population of the Central Valley. Nuclear energy has been around for many decades and has provided reliable energy to the American people. The first reactor used to provide electricity was on December 20, 1951 (USA). From then on the industry expanded and many factories were built. Recently some people here in the Central Valley are calling for nuclear power to be given a chance to demonstrate that it can safely and effectively meet California's needs. The Fresno Nuclear Energy Group and the French company AREVA believe that the western side of the Central Valley would be the perfect place to begin construction of a new power plant (Osborne). They chose this site because it offers space for the construction of necessary structures and, according to Nancy Osborne's report, "the west side of the valley which is now home to thousands of acres of agricultural land that is out of production due to water quality" (Osborne) . According to the report, the Westside Valleys would be the most suitable location for the development of a new power plant because it is not suitable for agricultural crops. A power plant that uses radioactive material has the ability to turn heat into electricity similar to a gas-fired power plant. plant. In the photo below you can see that it works. When the reactor overheats it heats up... half of the paper... Nuclear Association. Np, November 2009. Web. May 29, 2010. .Principal, Tim. “New era nuclear.” Cosmos. NP, April 2006. Web. June 1, 2010. “End of the Nuclear Age.” Greenpeace. Np, 2010. Web. 15 June 2010. .Osborne, Nancy. “Plans to Build a Nuclear Power Plant in Fresno County.” ABC30.ABC, March 23, 2010. Web. June 15, 2010. U.S. Department of Energy. Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology. The history of nuclear energy. Washington: np, nd Department of Energy. Network. June 13 2010. .