Software PatentsIntroductionFor this essay we were asked to write an essay on the topic within quite investigative techniques that can and affinity with your comaker. My choice fell on patents where the emphasis is on ICT. In addition to the great developments that have occurred in recent decades, a lot has changed in the ICT world based on patents. On this topic I found three good articles (ACM), namely: The Patent Owners' Dilemma Buy Sell or Troll Patricia S. Abril, Robert Plant Communications of the ACM Volume 50, Number 1 (2007), pages 36-44 Viewpoint: Against CORPORATE Software Patents League for Programming Freedom Richard Stallman Simson Garfinkle Communications of the ACM, volume 35, number 1 (1992), pages 17 to 22, 121 Should algorithms be patented? Samuelson, P. Communications of the ACM, Volume 33, Number 8 (1990), Pages.23-27. The patent holders' dilemma: buy, sell or troll Until 1980, there was no patent law for software, in 1998 there is suddenly an explosion of software patents now possible. In 1998, 95% of all patent licenses were reported to have been issued and 97% produced no revenue of all software patents filed. A patent application today costs between $50,000 and $100,000 and takes 2 to 5 years. Negative effects of software patents on Prevention of competition (monopoly position) The slowdown of developments Patent traders overlap Patent cases (e.g. Microsoft earned on average about $100,000,000 per year) Blocked patents scare l 'innovationPositive effects of patent licensingPoint of view against software patentsThe possibility of applying for software patents should disappear Why? Often when an invention is created in a certain area of software development it is something new but based on existing inventions. These are often a conflicting part of existing software patents for which permission must be granted, resulting in excessive costs that ultimately the invention cannot be developed by the inventor. The big problem is that there are people at the Patent Office and the Court who look at it very sensibly but not software-wise. What can occasionally happen is that for a number of years something is technically used in the software field that has never been patented. Years later indicted because he is the owner of this technique which he seems to have claimed. Much later the original creator of this technique never used it but applied for a patent.