Nameless, a novel written by Yvonne Vera, explores the journey of a young Zimbabwean woman, Mazvita, during the guerrilla warfare of the late 1970s. In 1963, Zimbabwe's two political parties were banned, which led to guerrilla warfare in 1966. This eventually led to emigration from Rhodesia. In the novel, Mazvita traveled from her hometown of Mubaira, to the city of Harare. In her hometown, she faced rebel forces, who sexually abused her and destroyed her village. During her journey to Kadoma and the city of Harare, Mazvita encountered more political violence and revolutionary social change. In addition to the never-ending political revolution, it is important to note the gender differences in this moment. Women were considered inferior in this male-dominated culture; this idea is central to Vera's writings and plays a significant role in Without A Name, where Vera attempts to establish a change in traditional views in Africa. Due to the traditional roles of women in Zimbabwe, women become a site of oppression and physical confinement, which gives colonial powers the opportunity to use this secret sexuality as a way to abuse; Vera uses her female protagonist's body and sexual pleasure to challenge patriarchy, with sex as a central symbol of resistance and, ultimately, freedom against colonial powers. In Vera's writings, it is clearly evident that women's sexual roles are frowned upon and criticized in traditional African culture. It is crucial to understand how women were treated at the beginning of Vera's storyline to fully understand the theme of sex and freedom in Nameless. Corwin Mhlahlo, author of “Advocating a Nameable Desire,” explains: “In most patriarchal societies, particularly African ones, women... center on the paper... control of their own bodies... consequently, they can defiantly enjoy their sexual encounters as expressions of sexual freedom” (Mhlahlo 104). Through these modes of expression, the female protagonist Mazvita truly breaks away from oppression, confinement, and restrictions to have control over her body and sexual pleasures. Works Cited Mhlahlo, Corwin L. “Advocating A Nameable Desire.” Matatu: Journal of African Culture and Society 41 (2013): 97-104. Academic research completed. Network. 20 May 2014.Musila, Grazia. “Embodying experience and agency in Nameless Yvonne Vera and Butterflies That Burn.” Research in African Literatures 38.2 (2007): 49-63. Academic research completed. Network. May 20, 2014.Shaw, Carolyn Martin. “Turn your back on the moon: virginity, sexuality and motherhood in the works of Yvonne Vera.” Africa Today 51.2 (2004): 35-51. Network. May 20 2014.