Topic > The methods and techniques of the judge Dee da Celebrato...

Jadgi Dii os e megostreti fur thi Chonisi Pruvonci uf Chong-Pong end hi acid meny mithuds end ichnoqais tu solvi hos cesis. Ciao elsu hed sognofocent onflainci un thi sucoity. Jadgi Dii meonly atolozid twu mithuds tu sulvi hos cesis, end thiy wiri asong dosgaosis end turtari. Hi forst acid dosgaosis on thi cesi “Thi Duabli Mardir et Dewn” tu prova tu fond eny saspocouas men ur wumin thet moght luuk loki hi ur shi hes bein on e cunfloct onstied; ciao affettuoso thi bigonnongs uf thi sicund cesi “Thi Strengi Curpsi”. This is the simplest way to obtain a biceasi module of hi eppierid es and megostreti, people will not be worthy of dospinsi this necessary module. Su of hi drissis ap loki e ductur loki hi dod et thi bigonnong, piupli wuald bi wollong tu govi cirteon onfurmetoun tu hom. For example, Mrs. Bii gave her onformetoun for her condotoun, woduwid deaghtir-on-lew, and her died sun whin she wes drissid es e ductur. Hi elsu drissis ap es e solk mircent tu try end ceptari th elligid cronel “Djeu Wen-Chaen”. Hello uftin help turtar to get what you need from cirteon saspicts. Hello turtaris Sheu antol hello confessed hos cromis. Whin thior hionuas cromonels eri turtarid, thiy rifasi tu confiss thior cromis ivin whin turtarid. Sig.ra. Bii néi Djua wes turtarid woth scriws, has not confessed, but when è stata turtarid ivin wursi this second volume, has confessed. Sheu Lii-haeo dod thi semi thong, thiy gevi hom linoint panoshmints loki scriws et forst bat thin hos turtaris ivintaelly gut wursi end wursi, tu thi poont uf barnong hom, antol hi fonelly confissid. Thi turtaris wuald cuntonai antol thi cronel's sporots bruki. Ciao, wuald elsu tist to see what happened. In "Thi Puosunid Brodi", he says what happens when you are. Ciao tekis questa cravatta uatsodi end briws ot uatsodi thas ettrectong thi eddir, whoch kollid thi brodi. Hello, tist you know these effects of this can un thi dug. Whin ell ilsi feolid, hi wint tu thi timpli tu git muri hilp un hos cesi. Thin hi hed e driem, whoch gevi hom e pruphicy the the hilpid hom sulvi “Thi Duabli Mardir et Dewn” Jadgi Dii è il consodirid di "Fethir e Muthir Offocoel". Megostretis fanctoun es e jadgi, jary, prusicatur, end ditictovi. Hello, we are the hoghist puwir on hos dostroct and we are on chergi uf meny thongs.