Topic > An introduction to the principles of morality and...

What is utilitarianism? I believe that utilitarianism is the theory that actions are right if they produce happiness and wrong if they do not produce happiness. Happiness is what every human being awaits. When making a decision, you need to ensure all possible outcomes that will lead to happiness. Utilitarianism is based on the principle of utility. Utility is the ability to be useful by satisfying needs. Utilitarianism is generally considered to be a moral theory found by Jeremey Bentham, a 19th-century English philosopher and social reformer. In 1923 he wrote a book entitled An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Bentham's idea was to understand the concept of happiness and that it is the ultimate goal of all human beings. Bentham believes in a principle that humans should be motivated by pain and pleasure, Bentham stated in his book: "Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure", this It means that human beings should chase pleasure and should avoid Pain. Utilitranisim is based on these two factors, which follow under the term utility. Utility is the usefulness of an action to promote the net happiness of the consequence. Bentham created an equation to calculate the happiness of a moral decision called the “Hedonic Calculation” to implement the theory of utilitarianism. John Stewart Mill, a student of Bentham, is a 19th century philosopher who loved to stay on the levels of political philosophy. Growing up he was heavily influenced by Jeremy Bentham. This influence had a great turning point in his life, as he began to focus on and study the theory called "Utiltranisim". In 1863 Mill wrote a book called Utilitarianism. In this book Mill showed different ideas and different... middle of paper......all possible outcomes that could give him a preferable choice to make both parties happy. In my opinion, I understand the principles and ethics behind utilitarianism. It gives us a standard of morality. It shows us how to pursue happiness, a way to decide moral questions. Utilitranisim satisfies our rationality and that no problem that has occurred should not be insoluble. Works Cited (2009, 05). «Utilitarianism is unsatisfactory as an ethical theory. Retrieved May 5, 2009, from, 10). Utilitarianism. Retrieved 10, 1999, from, 07). Utilitarianism Stuart vs Mill. Retrieved July 7, 2005, from