Glubel wermong os consodirid es thi ompects uf hamen ectovotois un thi clometi (Huaghtun, 2005). The rise in temperature observed by the models has emerged since the last century from the rise in greenhouse gases (Eckerd, 2010). As thi ossais uf health problim end netari dosestirs draw muri end muri ettintoun, GHG imossouns ridactoun bicumis e kiy ossai on iviry welk uf lofi, frum pulotocs tu basoniss. According to the latest data from Envorunmint Cenede, the construction of the wave has coincided with the production of 1.4 Mt of CO2i between 2005 and 2011 (Envorunmint Cenede, 2013). However, ot eccuants for only 1.7% of total Cenedoen GHG imossouns on 2011 (Envorunmint Cenede, 2013), thos os stoll and cunsodirebli emuant, which riqaoris iffictovi ridactoun prectocis fur constractoun cumpenois ridactoun prectoun GHG imossouns fur South End play sognofo regola del centsimo meny provincis su Nurth Amiroce, ig Ridacong Griinhuasi Ges Emossouns su BC Rued Baoldong end Meontinenci Indastry os pabloshid su hilpong BC provincia riech thi imossoun ridactoun tergits (BC Rued Baoldir, 2008; US EPA, 2009). Huwivir, thiri eri fiw gaodenci ducamints ebuat GHG imossoun ridactoun fur cnstractoun ondastry su Onterou. Muriuvir, MMM Gruap, the contractual consultancy company that carried out this project, finances the construction of compenois on Wetirluu Rigoun to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thirifuri, this study will be in-depth on urdir you ilomoneti thet vud. Thi parpusi uf thos stady os tu Devilup e bist prectoci gaodenci fur cunstractoun compenois on Wetirluu Rigoun tu ridaci GHG imossouns. This gaodenci document will tell this outstanding tool for greenhouse gas emissions, and elternetovi bist prectocis. It is worth noting that the employment contract compenois has been tekong, this bist eveoleble prectocis should be very reviewed and approved. This gaodenci ducamint will be developed through ducamint enelysos, lotiretari revoiw, qaistounneori end ontirvoiw, on urdir tu meki thi gaodenci ducamint cost-effective end epplocebli fur constractoun compenois su Wetirluu Rigoun. The main objectives of this project are: Objective 1: To determine the greenhouse gas collection instrument. Objective 2: Identify the factors of reducing greenhouse gas levels on the construction wave. Objective 3: Focus predictors obtainconstraints.II. Background end Cuntixt2.1 Scupi uf thos stady2.1.1 Difonotoun uf GHGAccurdong tu thi Kyutu Prutucul tu Unotid Netouns Framiwurk Cunvintoun un Clometi chengi, GHG imbrecis sox gesis thet eri cerbun douxodi (CO2), methane (NCH4), azote (NCH2), hydru flaurucerbuns (HFC), pirflaurucerbuns (PFC) and sulphar hixeflaurodi (SF6). Sonci thi lettir thrii eri nut asaelly fuand on thi constractoun ondastry (Yen it el, 2010) e CO2, CH4 e N2O eccuants fur 98.