The book is based on the conversation between Arjuna who was one of the greatest warriors of his time and Krishna who was a charioteer of Arjuna. Studying the Bhagavad Gita teaches us about Dharma, Karma, reincarnation, and salvation. Dharma is defined as duty and Karma is the belief that every single action we perform has consequences that must be suffered by reincarnating through various lifetimes. The Bhagavad Gita informs us that Karma guarantees that every individual will be able to reap the benefits of his good work and will have to suffer the consequences of actions, good actions bring benefits while bad actions bring costs (Chatterjee). Based on facts about Dharma, Karma, reincarnation and salvation, the book teaches us to be wise and faithful to our duties. With an ironic twist that salvation can only be achieved by keeping track of the Dharma, the book motivates us to rethink the consequences of every action we take. This helped develop good morality in individuals and helped develop a better one