Animation in Different Cultures Animation has a variety of differences between Japanese and US cultures. While in the United States animation is usually made for the sole purpose of entertaining children, Japanese animation, also known as anime as it is called in both Japan and the West, is a form of media enjoyed by people of all ages . Unlike Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and SpongeBob Square Pants, both very popular American animated programs in their time, anime focuses more on drama and other non-childish qualities. The different cultures of the United States and Japan can be considered the main factor in the huge differences in their respective animation styles. Anime is considered a pop culture phenomenon. Many critics and fans debate whether this form of entertainment is actually a type of art or simply a media craze. Animation critics argue whether anime, while extremely popular in Japanese culture today and increasingly in the Western world, should be considered alongside famous Japanese traditions such as haiku and woodblock prints. Many see anime as nothing more than a typical entertainment phase and think that they will lose their social status and eventually disappear altogether. However, anime has a rapidly growing market today and shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon. Anime is very different from the animation found in the United States today. Browsing an entertainment store in Japan, a person might find videos ranging from classic stories of love and betrayal, to stories that lead to the apocalypse, and everything in between. Originating in 1945, the first anime featured the film Momotaro umi no shinpei translated as Momotaro's Divine Sea of the card......rences in their cultures. The Japanese see animation as simply another form in which to convey entertainment such as drama, suspense, love, and betrayal. They believe that animation is simply another form of entertainment that is valid for both adults and children to watch, depending on the material shown in it. However, American culture views animation simply as an entertainment device aimed primarily at elementary school children since “real” television programs are too mature or complex for the mindsets of younger viewers. The few American animations aimed at adults are simply satirical comedies with little or no deeper values. This is because Americans in general believe that such mature themes are best left to dramatic and movie screen actors. It goes without saying that Japanese anime and American cartoons vary greatly due to the different cultures of each country.