Officially titled the Hellenic Republic, Greece is a country whose historical and cultural heritage continues to influence the modern world through art, philosophy and politics. Greece is located in southern Europe. Critically located to the byways of Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Greece shares land borders with four countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Türkiye and the Republic of Macedonia. The country is largely water-logged to the south with over 1,400 islands, the largest of which is Crete. Over eighty percent of Greek territory is made up of mountains, the largest and most culturally significant being Mount Olympus, which in Greek mythology is the resting place of the twelve Olympians. Greece is a country full of aesthetically pleasing monuments that have existed for thousands of years and are considered historically significant. These include, but are not limited to the Parthenon, the Acropolis of Athens, the Panathenaic Stadium, Mount Athos, Sounion (where the temple of Poseidon is located), the Temple of Hephaestus, and the Theater of Dionysus. These are just some of the influential landmarks that this authentic country has. As mentioned above, Greece is a very geographically complex country. Greece is surrounded by Albania, Bulgaria, Türkiye and the Republic of Macedonia. These are all, to varying degrees, in the north of mainland Greece. With Albania to the northwest, the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria to the north and Turkey to the northeast. The Rhodope and Pindos mountains cause Greece to form natural barriers with its neighbors. To the west it borders the Ionian Sea, to the east with the Aegean Sea. Greece is also located at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula, which makes the southern part of the country stick out in the... middle of paper ...I won't be able to have children that they can support financially. Finally, healthcare is a big problem, people get sick and due to the economic crisis the government can no longer provide free healthcare, leaving those who are uninsured to die. Along with this, stillbirth has increased to 4/1000, which is attributed to unemployment and mental health of women without access to healthcare. These are all major factors contributing to the rate of natural decline which was 0.16% in 2008, making it one of the fastest declining countries in the world. Due to the impoverished economy which results in the high unemployment rate, low fertility rate, poor healthcare and high percentage of natural decrease. It appears that one of the world's greatest civilizations, which produced the people to whom we are most indebted, is headed for rapid demographic decline in the years to come..