All occupations in the workforce are classified as jobs for women or jobs for men, but women have another option: not entering the workforce and being a parent stay at home since it is a parent living at home the parent is not considered working. Women are pressured to stay at home, have children and consequently take care of them, while men are expected to be the breadwinners, even though "fewer than one in five married families with children fits the dad-as-dad stereotype." breadwinner, full-time mother's full-time "home" (Bravo, Santa Anna, Meric 179). Gender roles are out of step with the reality of American families, which is that women work, as they always have. Female-dominated fields are fields such as waitressing, food preparation, secretaries, and social workers, while male-dominated fields are fields such as business, information technology, and the medical field. There is a hierarchy regarding different fields of work, and male-dominated fields of work are highly valued. Every field of work and every job requires hard work, time and effort, hence “why society values the accountant more than social workers” (Bravo, Santa Anna, Meric 178). Dualistic thinking towards work camps creates a hierarchy because as Crawley, Foley and Shehan stated; there are rarely dualisms that are created in the same way. The hierarchy of these work fields is female