With a record average of 119 television channels available to each household, television dominates American life (MediaBuyerPlanner). This wide assortment of television programs offers viewers many different realities to imitate, such as a child following and obeying his parent. One of our society's most notable television shows is the CSI franchise, with three different extensions. CSI, and similar shows, portray the criminal justice system in a negative light, which causes confusion between fact and fiction. Television is a medium of entertainment, but its influence on today's generation is powerful and fascinating. Criminal justice-focused television programs are implausible representations of reality that create unrealistic expectations of courtroom evidence, as well as creating an unnecessary fear of murder in viewers. The procedures depicted in the criminal justice system on television are complex, imprecise and implausible. representations of what really happens. These shows do not show the planning, time and effort that goes into maintaining a crime scene. The investigators introduce themselves, take some photographs and continue to the laboratory to obtain the results in a few minutes (Bachelor's Degree in Forensic Science). Television leaves out the silent procedures that are essential at a real crime scene. They also neglect to show how much time is spent on each case, which can take months or even years to complete. There are many techniques and procedures that seem forgotten or simplified in shows. Crime scenes require a variety of people, including the skills of photographers, sketch artists, evidence recorders and other team members. Complex crime scene notes and sketches provide all the required details......middle of paper......12. Network. January 2014. Roane, Kit R. “The CSI Effect.” US News & World Report. April 25, 2005. Web. January 15, 2014. Shelton, Hon. Donald E., Gregg Barak and Kim S. Young. “A Study of Juror Expectations and Demands Regarding Scientific Evidence: Does the CSI Effect Exist?” Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law. 9.2 (2007): 331-368. pdf. January 15, 2014.“The 'CSI Effect'; Forensic Sciences”. The economist. April 24, 2010: 77 (US). Resources for inContext students. Network. January 14, 2014.Thomas, Andrew P. “The CSI Effect: Fact or Fiction.” Paperback portion of the Yale Law Journal. 70.2006.Web. January 14, 2014.Townsend, Lucy. “How unrealistic is murder on television.” BBC news magazine. January 16, 2013. Network. January 9, 2014. "US homes receive a record 118.6 TV channels on average." MediaBuyerPlanner. June 16, 2008.Web. February 2 2014.