IntroductionCase AssessmentEthical/Legal IssuesHendrix (1991) stated that some concessions that should be given to children, for example, they should be informed before revealing confidential information, thus maintaining levels of trust and dignity and maintaining intact counseling relationships. There are children who have never been to a psychologist, so giving them a positive experience will make the child feel like someone cares about them and is interested in helping them and listening to them. Hall and Lin (1995) provided five principles relating to children's rights which are listed below:1. Non-maleficence is highlighted when we do not harm our children2. Charity is activated when we promote the psychological growth of children3. Autonomy is demonstrated when we leave children the responsibility of evaluating therapeutic alternatives4. Justice is affirmed when children are encouraged to participate in choosing the least invasive treatment option5. Loyalty is protected when counselors respect their bond with children by keeping promises made to them. A second thing to remember when dealing with minors is to obtain a parent's consent. In a study conducted by Gibson and Pope (1993), it was shown that 44% of counselors interviewed saw minor clients without parental consent. They recognized that we as counselors need to respect wishes if a child does not want their parents to be involved, however the counselor should remind the child that if a parent is contacted it is in their (the child's) best interests and that it is not they are telling it.Theoretical modelSuper's career development phase. Jill is in the growth phase of Super's theory. According to Michael Schre... half of the article... KS (1993). The ethics of counseling: A national survey of certified counselors. Journal of Consulting and Development, 71, 63 – 80Hall, A. S. & Lin, M. (1995). Children's rights theory and practice: Implications for mental health counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 17, 63 - 80Hendrix, D.H. (1991). Ethics and intrafamily confidentiality in counseling with children. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 13, 323 – 333Paladin Associates (n.d.). Evaluation of the child's personality. Retrieved from, M. (2012). Donald Super's career counseling theory. Retrieved from, C., & Kaszubowski, Y. (2008). The professional development needs of rural elementary school students. The elementary school diary, 108(5), 431-444.