Topic > Analysis of the Aggression Replacement Training Program

There are four parts to this stage that help ensure that the child is learning the skills needed for himself and is able to use those skills in real life situations, through role-playing and acquiring feedback from the instructor running the program (Goldstein 2). This part is crucial, because they must learn these interpersonal skills before they can move on to the next steps of the program, without learning the first step these children may make inappropriate choices. According to Becky Sue Roth, “skillstreaming fits well into the classroom context, children won't even realize that they don't have to learn these skills, she has found that it would be best to teach it at the beginning of the year” when group cohesion, communication and friendship are developing” (Roth, 2), since the curriculum can be easily added, many schools have adopted the ART program and it is taught in the early grades, for better effectiveness (Roth,