IntroductionThis essay aims to specify the trending topic in the study of biogeochemistry and elaborate the development of this study especially in Indonesia. The main objectives are to determine the opportunity for biogeochemical research in Indonesian marine waters and to define the new focus in the study of oceanography. The essay itself is presented in the following outline. The first part is the discussion on the topic of global trends in biogeochemistry using bibliometric study. The next part deals with the study of biogeochemistry in and around Southeast Asia. Information regarding Indonesian marine waters, especially the conditions of oceanography, including Indonesian outflow information, will be discussed in the next part, followed by discussion of oceanological research in Indonesia. As a last part, the paper focuses on defining the opportunities of biogeochemical research in Indonesia. Finally, discussion and constructive criticism are welcome as the essay is far from perfect. Any ideas and criticisms are welcome if addressed to the author through direct discussion or correspondence. The global research trend in marine biogeochemistry The topic related to biogeochemistry has become an important study of the scientific community from every point of view. A trend analysis using bibliometrics was used to understand the trend of global research in biogeochemistry. Trend analysis itself has been widely applied to many disciplines, from medicine to computer science to the social sciences (Hoonlor et al. 2013). Bibliometric analysis is also one of the widely applied methods (Xie et al. 2008). The present study applies bibliometrics (method detailed in the Appendix) using Science Citation Index Extended (SCI-Expanded/ 1975-present) and Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S/1990-present) data from Web of Science – Web of Knowlede Thomson and Reuters (New York -USA). Xie, Zhang, and Ho (2008) explained that databases have often been used as a source for extensive review of scientific findings. Using the thematic keyword “marine biogeochemistry” the databases sorted 1270 documents consisting of 1083 journal articles and 187 others (proceedings, reviews, book chapters, etc.). Oceanography is the document most related to the Web of Science categories (29%, Fig 1a). These papers belonged to research areas: environmental science and ecology (32%), oceanography (29%), marine-freshwater ecology (26%) and the rest (13%) were in other research areas such as marine biology , pollution, etc. (Fig 1b). To track the trend, the following 'hot' topics (Libes 2009) were applied for comparison, namely: 1) hydrological cycle, 2) redox chemistry in the context of